We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Duffy Role Model Assembly

Today we had our Duffy Role Model Assembly. Our Role Model was Niva Retimanu. She is an award winning journalist and newsreader for a radio station in Auckland. Her message was "It's cool to read and cool to Achieve". She read us a book. The title was Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck!. I thought it was a funny story.
King's College students were at our assembly too. They are our sponsors. They helped Niva Retimanu to give out the Duffy books. I can't wait to read my Duffy book.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Peer Mediators

The Peer Mediators in our class are Timote,Thomas,Regan,Charlie and Catherine. We do our duty during lunchtime. Peer Mediators wear green jackets so children can see them easily. We walk around the playground and make sure children are playing safely and happily. If there is a problem, children can come to a peer mediator to solve their problem.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Reflecting on our goals

Today we reflected on our learning goals that we set at the beginning of the term. Most of us thought we had done well because we worked hard throughout the term and achieved the goals we had set. Some of us still need to work harder at achieving our goals. We think that with a little more effort we can do it. Setting goals has helped us to become better readers and writers.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Guide Dogs

I wrote an information report on guide dogs.I learnt that most guide dogs in New Zealand are Labradors and Golden Retrievers. They help blind people to move around safely. Guide dogs wear a harness. The harness has a short handle that the blind person will hold on to.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Playing Chess

Learning to play chess was fun. It is not such a difficult game as most people think. I first learnt about the chess pieces. There are 32 pieces altogether. 16 of them are white and 16 of them are black. The most important piece is the king. You are a winner when you capture the king.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cultural Practice

I belong to the Tongan group and we have our cultural practice every Tuesday at 1.45pm.
The boys use a stick in their dance which is called the kailao. The girls' dance is called the ma’ulu’ulu. We will be performing our dance for our community on the 12 April at the Otahuhu Recreation Centre. Our special performance for our parents and families will be on the 13 April at 6.00pm in our school hall. I enjoy learning the Tongan Dance and I look forward to my practice every Tuesday.

Friday, March 18, 2011


A group of children in Room 24 belong to the Enviro team at school. Our job is to help in growing vegetables in our garden and learn about composting and worm farming. In our lunchtime we did gardening with Mrs Chetty. We had to mix the soil with compost so that the plants will grow big and healthy. We then planted pea seeds. We used a watering can to water the garden patch. It will take a few months for the peas to be ready to eat. I hope to take photos to show how the peas are growing.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our Personality

Harold taught us how our brain controls our five senses. It was cool to look inside PAT's head and see her brain. Do you know why her name is PAT? She is called PAT because she is a pull apart torso and we can look at her body parts. Harold also taught us a song about our personality. To learn more about our personality and to listen to the song click on the Life Education website

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Baby Brother

I was excited when I walked into the hospital to visit mum. She had a baby boy. I was happy to have a new baby brother to play with. Mum named him Luckes. He has the same colour eyes as me. I can't wait for him to come home.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Star of the day

My teacher chose me to be the star of the day in my class. I wrote a recount about going fishing. I used Kid Pix to publish my story and to draw my pictures. I took my certificate to the office to be signed by Mr Swann, our principal. He gave me a gold sticker. I'm going to work very hard and publish more stories.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Visiting Harold

At 10.00am we went to the Life Education Caravan and learnt about how I am Different from other people. Every person is unique because we all think, do and act differently from others. We all had to make up our own unique bubble room. Our room was then painted with our favourite colour and patterns. We then placed our favourite book, toy, writing and pet in our room.
Visit our student page on our wiki to read more about our unique bubble room.

Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

When we got to school this morning we looked at pictures of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan on our Smartboard. We asked the following questions:
Why did this happen in Japan?
How was the tsunami caused?
How many people died?
What did people do when the earthquake took place?
What will we do if there was a tsunami or earthquake in Auckland?
We are going to read about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and find the answers.

Our class practised what to do if there was an earthquake.
To know what to do when there is a natural disaster such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods and storms visit the following website

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fundraising for Christchurch

Our school had a cake sale and a coin trail to raise funds for the people of Christchurch. We are really sad that so many people died in the earthquake. The children and teachers dressed in red and black. Do you know why we are dressed in red and black?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A visitor to Room 24

Kuljit from MacMillan Education came to watch us using the Smartboard during our reading time. Charlie showed her our blog and wiki. Catherine talked about the books and the book reviews on Shelfari. Timote used the Smartboard to do a reading activity. I wonder what Kuljit thought about us?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Day spent in our technology specialist room

A picture is worth a thousand words

Look at the pictures below and answer the following questions.
Who can you see?
What do you think about this picture?
What do you wonder about this picture?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trip to MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology)

Elaine who was our awesome teacher at MOTAT taught us lots about Kiwi Identity. It was cool to dress up as a Kiwi Farmer with boots and all. We got to sign a contract using a feather dipped in ink just like how the British and Maori signed the Treaty of Waitangi. Some of us pretended to be Jean Batten by wearing the jacket and cap that she wore when she was flying. We also got to play with a buzzy bee, New Zealand's most favoutite children's toy. Have a look at our photos taken at Motat and don't forget to leave us a comment.
Visit to MOTAT(Museum of Transport and Technology)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Where the wid things are

After reading the book, "Where the wild things are" written by Maurice Sendak, we created our very own wild selves. To build your own wild self go to www.buildyourwildself.com/. Have fun. Let us know about the cool creatures and animals you created.

Friday, March 4, 2011


It was fun sketching our portraits using the pencil tool on ARTRAGE. The next time we are going to be creative and use the other drawing tools.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Creating buttons

We learnt how to use Cool Text to create buttons for our names.
We had to choose the button design, font, colour and size. Take a look at the buttons used for our names by clicking on our wiki http://room24ops.wikispaces.com/STUDENTS