We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Blogging Guidelines

Otahuhu Primary’s Blogging Guidelines

Children’s guidelines

We will...
• only use our FIRST name on the blog.
• get everything on the blog CHECKED by the class teacher before posting.
• never publish any of our personal DETAILS online - this includes phone numbers, addresses, personal email addresses or family information.
• check with people first before we use their photos.
• be RESPONSIBLE when writing and using our class blog by using SENSIBLE and KIND words when commenting.
• Try our hardest to present our best work.

Parent’s Guidelines

We ask that …
• parents and adults commenting only use their FIRST name so they don't identify their child.
• parents and adults remain aware of what their children access when they are working online.

Teacher’s guidelines

We will …
• only have child’s name, work or photo on the blog if we have written PARENT PERMISSION.
• Check everything before allowing children to post their work.
• Ensure all children with parent permission are given the opportunity to post on the blog.
• Comments should be monitored and approved before being posted.

Cybersafety Links

For more information about being safe on the internet, please visit:
