We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to keep cut apples fresh?

We are learning about changes in food. I investigated how to keep cut apples fresh by placing them in different solutions.
What I needed:
4 clear plastic cups
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 apple cut into 4 pieces
What I did:
1. Cup 1 - Fill with 3/4 water and place a piece of apple.
2. Cup 2 - Fill with 3/4 water, a piece of apple and 1 teaspoon of salt.
3. Cup 3 - Fill with 3/4 water, a piece of apple and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
4. Cup 4 - Place a piece of apple.
What I observed after 3 hours:
The apple in cup 1 was brown.
The apple in cup 2 was only a light brown compared to all the other apples.
The apple in cup 3 with the sugar solution was browner than the apple in cup 2 .
The apple in cup 4 with no solution was the brownest from all the other cut apples. This is called oxidation and is caused by the enzymes in the apple and oxygen.
The best solution to keep apples fresh is salt.
By Timote

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Visit to the Supermarket

On 5 July our class went to the Supervalue supermarket in Otahuhu to learn how food is stored and kept fresh. We were put into 5 groups with an adult. We had to complete a worksheet and write down what foods are stored in the freezer, cooler and on the shelves to keep them fresh. When we got back to class we shared our answers.Learning about changes in food in science is fun.
By Thomas

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oral hygiene

Everyday all the children brush their teeth after lunch. If we do not want any cavities we need to take care of our teeth. We also go the dental clinic at our school for our dental checkup. Thank you to the Otahuhu Rotary club for giving us toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Written and photographs by Timote

World of Maths

On Monday, 4 July the World of Maths came to our school.There were exciting and challenging maths games for us to solve. There were 4 groups and each group had a leader. The leaders were Thomas,Timote, Vondra and Krisharti. Each group went to a station and had to follow instructions to complete the activity. We had 10 minutes at each station. Stacking the boxes was difficult. The easiest activity was at the weather station.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Making fruit salad

I learned how to make fruit salad in class.
a knife,serving bowls,a spoon,a bowl and a variety of fruit

What to do:
1.Wash your hands.
2.Wash the fruit
3. Peel the fruit.
4. Cut the fruit into cubes.
5. Spoon the fruit into a serving bowls.