We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Listening to stories

Whaea Gael visited our class and shared her travel experiences to India and Nepal. She brought her photos to show us. They were amazing. Guess what she did in india? She rode an elephant and she helped children plant vegetables. She enjoyed it a lot. Elephants are trained to carry people and logs. It was interesting listening to Whaea Gael. We asked her many questions.
By Vondra

Monday, November 21, 2011


We are learning about two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. We created picture puzzles known as a tangram. A tangram is a Chinese puzzle. It is a square divided into seven pieces. Some of us found difficulty forming a picture because we had to use all seven pieces of the square and we could not let the pieces overlap.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reflecting on our trip to the zoo

We got into groups and reflected on our trip to the Auckland Zoo. We had to write 3 things that we had learnt, 2 things that we thought was interesting and 1 question we still have. This is what my group wrote.
We learnt that giraffes are herbivores because they only eat plant foods. They have long necks so that they can reach up to get the juicy leaves.
Spider monkeys are omnivores because they eat worms, insects,fruits and leaves.
Tigers are carnivores and they hunt down animals like deers and antelopes. The tigers' black, orange, brown and tan stripes helps them to camouflage themselves with their background.
What we found interesting:
Elephants are mammals just like us but their babies can stand up after they are born.
There were also pet animals like rabbits, hens and hamsters at the zoo.
1 question we still have:
Is it good or bad to have animals living in an enclosure at the zoo instead of leaving them to live in the wild?
By Regan

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Visiting the Auckland Zoo

It was an awesome day visting the zoo. We learnt about the different types of animals and their habitat. Animals could be amphibians, mammals, birds, fish or reptiles. The frog is an amphibian and lives in water and on land. The lion is a mammal just like us and they live in the grasslands. We also saw chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs in the KidZone. We learnt how to care for them as our pets. Timote took photos of lots of animals.
By Catherine
Auckland Zoo on PhotoPeach

Thursday, November 3, 2011


We had fun learning about similes. A simile is a figure of speech that says that one thing is like another different thing. We often use the words as and like with similes.
Look at our examples.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Get Musicool Show

We all had a great time singing and dancing at the Musicool show. We learnt that to make music we needed lyrics, notes, dynamics, love for music, rhythm, emotion, beat, tune. Children from the audience were chosen to perform different styles of dance. We liked the pop the best. Sharon played pieces of music from back to front and we had to guess the title of the song. Some songs were easy to guess but some were difficult. We also learnt about different musical instruments like the saxophone, guitar, piano, organ and timpani also called kettle drums. Our homework is to love and to listen to music forever.
When we got back to class we created a piece of music using Garageband. We got to select real instruments like the guitar, piano and drums and listen to our creation.
By Timote