We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Friday, June 29, 2012

End of term assembly

I came to school all dressed up in my best clothes because I was going to be the announcer at our end of term assembly. The Pohutukawa team was the host of the assembly. Many parents attended the assembly. The audience enjoyed room 7's performance of Going on a Lion Hunt. Moziah from our class received a certificate and medal for participating in the chess tournament. Children also received certificates for academic excellence and good progress. Summer presented a speech on Matariki which is the Maori celebration. The best part was when Miss Todd presented a slideshow of our EOTC activities. By Vondra

Monday, June 18, 2012

My Baptism

It was Sunday, the 17 June. I got up very early because I was excited and it was my Baptism. I got dressed in my white clothes. My family and I went to church at 6pm. When I arrived I went to the Bishop. My family watched what was happening. The Bishop and I went into a room and he talked to me about my Baptism. Thereafter we stood at the front of the congregation and I read a bible verse. The Bishop baptized me by saying a prayer and placing his hand on my head. I had to say my testimony. After the baptism we had a meal. I received gifts from my family. I feel very happy to be baptized. I miss having my curly, long hair because I had it cut for my Baptism. Look at my 2 photos below. by Moziah

Friday, June 15, 2012

School Assembly

Team Rimu presented our school assembly on Friday. We had special visitors at our assembly. Constable Bryan brought his puppy, Bobby and talked about keeping our equipment safe at home by recording the serial numbers on the following website www.snap.org.nz. If something is stolen, we will be able to find the serial number easily. We also had principals from other schools visiting our school. They helped Mr. Swann to give out the awards to the students. The children were excited to receive their Duffy books from the students of King's College. The audience enjoyed the performance by the students of Team Rimu. Some students received frisbees. Room 24 received the best class award and trophy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Support Staff Day

Today the children said thank you to the teacher aides, office workers and our caretaker for all their work at our school. The children made cards and gave them to someone special. I gave whaea Chazz a card and a box of chocolates. She gave me a big hug. By Vondra