We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Funny Video

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


People from Kidsline visited room 24 on Wednesday 25 May. If we have a problem at home or at school or being bullied or feeling sad we can phone 0800 Kidsline. We can also visit the website www.kidsline.org.nz .I now know that I can get help when I need it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thank you Rotary Club

The year 4 students at our school were very happy to get dictionaries from the Rotary Club of Otahuhu. We think they are kind by giving us free dictionaries and helping us with our education.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Learning ball skills

Mrs Nilson taught us how to dribble, throw, catch and kick the ball in our P.E. lesson.

Vondra's Tongan bag

I brought my Tongan bag to school to show my class symmetrical patterns.
What do you think of the patterns on my bag?

Mmmmm... bread

When we got to class this morning, we could get the lovely smell of bread baking. Yesterday we read the story of the Little Red Hen and we had to visualise the setting, characters and plot. One of the things we visualised was bread baking in the oven. My teacher then told us that she will bake us a loaf of bread using the bread machine. When the bread was ready, she sliced the bread into pieces and served it with butter. Thank you to our teacher. I hope we can get to eat freshly baked bread again.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Student Teacher

Mrs Fiona Nilson will be in our class for the next 5 weeks. A group of students worked with her during our maths lesson on transformation of shapes and objects. We walked around the school and we took photos of patterns that showed translation, reflection and rotation. Have a look at our photos.
Transformation of Patterns

Monday, May 16, 2011

Free lunch combo

I was so happy when Mr Swann, our Principal called out my name at assembly to get the free lunch combo. I got the free lunch combo because I gave my newsletter to my parents and they signed my newsletter. I gave my signed paper to the office for the lucky draw. I ordered my lunch and it was a potato top pie and a popcorn.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Best class at assembly

Our school assembly was on Friday. The classes in Team 1 presented their items. The secret teacher was watching the classes during the assembly to see who was listening and being good. When it was time to choose the best class at assembly we all sat up and waited for Whaea Jan to announce the room number. When she announced that it was Room 24 we were very happy and proud of ourselves. Ria went to the front of the assembly to collect the trophy. We get to keep the trophy in our class for the next two weeks.

Geometric patterns

We are learning how to make geometric patterns by translating, reflecting and rotating.
Look at the pictures and patterns we created.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Artwork on Myths and Legends

We are learning about Maori Myths and Legends. We drew pictures of Rangi, the sky father and Papa, the Earth Mother and their children. Look at our beautiful pictures. We used crayon, pastels, dye and ink.

The story of Papa and Rangi

Monday, May 9, 2011

Reading at school

Carlos and Chris from King's College come to Room 24 every Mondays. They read to us. We listened to them reading about Myths and Legends. We asked them many questions about Maui and we also answered questions about the story.

Photo day

Some of us forgot that we were taking our class photos on Monday and we felt sad when we came to class and saw many of our friends dressed in their best clothes. Our teacher told us that we just needed our big smiles and we would all look beautiful. She was right. After our class photo was taken in the hall by a professional photographer, our teacher took a photo of us.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Book Review

I read The adventures of Super Diaper Baby. The author is Dav Pilkey. It is a comic book. The story is about a baby who was dropped out of the window and he fell into some super power juice. He drank the juice and he became the super power baby. If you like books that are funny then you should read this book.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Back to school

We came back to school today after our Easter break. We missed Charlie being in our class because he has gone to a school in Melbourne. We will remember Charlie as a good friend who always helped us in our classwork especially with our computer work. We wish Charlie all the best in his new school.

Easter egg hunt

I went to my auntie's house in the holidays. My auntie had an Easter egg hunt for the children. She placed eggs all over the house and we had to go and find them. She told us that the child who finds the most will win the chocolate Easter bunny. I found 30 eggs and I got the chocolate bunny. I shared my other eggs with my cousins. It was fun looking for the eggs.