We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Student Teacher

Mrs Fiona Nilson will be in our class for the next 5 weeks. A group of students worked with her during our maths lesson on transformation of shapes and objects. We walked around the school and we took photos of patterns that showed translation, reflection and rotation. Have a look at our photos.
Transformation of Patterns

1 comment:

  1. My name is Mrs Fiona Nilson and I will be working with Room 24 and Mrs Govender for 5 weeks. I am in my second year of study at the University of Auckland. I am really looking forward to doing lots of learning with Room 24. Finally, I thank Room 24 for making me feel so welcome.

    Mrs Nilson
