We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thank you KidsCan

Thank you KidsCan for giving us shoes and raincoats. Now I won't get wet in the rain when I am walking to school and my feet will be warm and dry.
By Catherine

Fridge magnets

On Wednesday our class went to the technology room to make fridge magnets. I learned how to use a poker machine. It is used to engrave a word on wood. At first I was scared but a little while later I got used to the poker machine and it was easy to use.
By Thomas

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Book Review - I will not ever never eat a tomato

I read a book called I will not ever never eat a tomato written by Lauren Child. Lola was a very fussy eater and she didn't like carrots, peas and tomato. Lola's brother, Charlie tricked Lola and made her to eat her vegetables. If you want to know more about Lola and Charlie you can borrow this book from the library.
By Julie

Friday, June 24, 2011

School Assembly

Team 4 performed at our school assembly on Friday. I liked the big and cuddly teddy bear room 14 brought to assembly. They sang a song called teddy bear, teddy bear turn around.
By Rajeena

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baking scones

Yesterday a group of children went to Mrs Green for our technology lesson. This is my reflection on my learning how to bake scones. I made connections with the word dough when I made playdough in class and roti at home. The new word that I learnt was knead. Baking scones was a bit hard for us because we had to do it all by
ourselves. I found the recipe interesting because in class we are learning about fractions and I had to read 1/4 and 1/3. The next time I make scones I will add cheese to the recipe.
By Krisharti

Friday, June 17, 2011

Room 24's Baker

We are learning how to write a procedure. I baked cupcakes and brownies yesterday for my homework. I took them to school to share with my class. They said the cakes were yummy. My teacher told me I am Room 24's baker. I also gave everyone in my class a copy of the recipe.
By Vondra

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gift from Mrs Nilson

Today was the last day for Mrs Nilson in room 24. She has been our student teacher for the past 5 weeks. We would like to say thank you to her. We learnt about fractions, a maori song about colours and how to make play dough. The class had a shared lunch with Mrs Nilson. Mrs Nilson gave us a book and a card. We can't wait to start reading about Gulliver. We wish her all the best.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Team Assembly

I was nervous because I was going to stand in front of an audience and be the announcer for Team 6's assembly. Luckily I had Timote to stand beside me and be my partner. I talked about my visit to Crystal Mountain. Room 24 retold the story of Papa and Rangi using the pictures they drew. The children in room 25 said their speeches about whales and watching television. Room 6 shared book reviews. The teachers gave out awards to the children for working hard and for good behaviour.
By Regan

Friday, June 10, 2011

Farewell Whaea Ngaire

On Friday we had a special assembly for Whaea Ngaire who is a Board of Trustees member. She has been at our school for more than 20 years. All the teams at our school presented her with gifts and sang a song or performed a dance.
This is a photo of the the girls in room 25 and room 6 dancing to Pearly Shells which is Whaea Ngaire's favourite song.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Library visit

Today we visited the Otahuhu Public Library. When we got there a librarian took us inside and showed us the layout of the library. We can choose fiction and non-fiction books. We can also borrow magazines, CD's, DVD's and puzzles. There are also computers in the library. To borrow books we need to become a member of the library and we will then get a card to keep. We are allowed to borrow up to 35 books. The librarian also showed us how to scan the books we are borrowing. We are going to visit the library with our families because we love reading.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Awesome Whaea Gael

Whaea Gael is the chaplain at our school. She talks to children and helps children when they have a problem. Whaea Gael also comes on EOTC trips with room 24. When she has time, she works with the enviro group and helps in the garden. We love working with her in the garden. Look at the great work Whaea Gael is doing at our school.

Thursday, June 2, 2011