We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Secret Meanings

Our class visited the Te Tuhi centre for the Arts in Pakuranga. We first looked at a tall sculpture outside the centre. This sculpture is made up of different colored cuisenaire rods like the ones we have in class. We had to compare the sizes of the rods.
Thereafter we were put into 5 groups and each group was given a different coloured paper. We had to think and write about food relating to that colour. We then had to choose a second colour and write words relating to nature. Jeremy, our art tutor told us a story using the words we had written and we had to connect the words to a colour.
The fun part was using paint to create our own colour wheel by mixing primary, secondary and tertiary colours. When we do painting the next time, we will remember to paint within the lines.
By Catherine

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