We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fun Walk

It was a cloudy day and we all lined up and we were the first class to lead the way. Room 22 and room 23 also joined us on the walk. The children walked very briskly because we could feel little rain drops. As we walked we saw the new police station being built. We also walked past shops and factories. Joshua showed us where he lives. All the classes took part in a fun walk to raise money for the year 5 and 6 camp at the end of the year. I wonder which class will raise the most money?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I have been learning to write an information report.
Please read my book on sharks.
By Julie

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mums comes home

When I got up this morning I was very excited because my mum was coming back home from Fiji. After school Dad drove us to the Auckland airport to pickup mum. She went to visit my sick brother living with my aunty in Fiji. She brought fish, crab, a mat and a broom from Fiji. I gave her a big hug.
I am visiting Fiji in the holidays.
By Viliame

School Assembly

The Kowhai team presented the assembly on Friday. Constable Jo Ryder was the special guest at our assembly. She introduced the road patrollers. Constable Ryder spoke to us about road safety. We must remember to keep ourselves safe on the road by crossing at the pedestrian crossing or at the traffic light.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Picture Quilt

We used the strategy of visualizing to create a picture quilt. This means we must draw a picture or make a movie in our head when we are reading. My teacher read us a book called Duck Walk written by Joy Cowley. We had our eyes closed while she was reading. We had to visualise parts of the story. We had to use our 5 senses when visualizing the story. The children then drew a part they visualised. We put them altogether to make our quilt.

Swimming Lessons

Room 24 had their first swimming lesson today. We are lucky to have swimming instructors from the Panmure Lagoon Centre to teach us. The instructors taught us how to get into the pool safely and how to breathe under water. We had to try our best to keep our heads under the water and kick our legs.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Harold visits Otahuhu Primary

Harold taught us about the circulatory system. This is what we learnt. Our body needs oxygen,food,and water to work properly. These things are carried to all parts of our body by the blood. The blood is pumped by the heart,which is the strongest muscle in our body. The blood vessels which take the blood away from the heart are called arteries. The blood vessels which take the blood back to the heart are called veins.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back to school

Yipee!!! I am back at school after a long holiday. It was good to see my old friends and my teacher again in room 24. Some of my friends are in another class because they are in year 5. We have new children in our class. They are in year three. I am going to work hard in year 4 and achieve the excellence award.