We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Best Book in the World

The Duffy Theatre presented a show called the Best Book in the World. The main characters were Duffy, Scruffy and Marvel. Duffy and Scruffy's journey started at the bookshop when Dad bought Emmy a book as a gift for her 7th birthday. Children from the audience were chosen to participate in the show. We learnt the following from the show.
A book is a gift that can be opened again and again.
Your best book is your best friend.
Books are great to take you on an adventure.
Your book can give you space when you need a break to be away from other things or people.
You can share your best book with others.
Books are for reading and not ripping.
Hanna from Room 4 received an award from Duffy.
The show ended with the following message. It is COOL TO READ AND COOL TO ACHIEVE.
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