We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Duffy Role Model Assembly

It was our Duffy role model assembly and we all walked excitedly to the hall. Each class wrapped their box of books in pretty paper. It looked like a present. Our Duffy role model was Jaqui Knight. She writes articles for newspapers and magazines. Her passion is reading and adventure. She loved horses and she went to the library and read every book on horses she could find. Jaqui told us a story about a man who climbed the mountains with his horses. She had a dream that one day she will climb the mountain of New Zealand with her horse. Her other passion was motor sport. Jaqui loved a man who liked cricket, but she hated cricket so she went to the library and learnt about cricket by reading books. She was also concerned about the monarch butterflies flying from New Zealand to Mexico and the sad thing was the trees that the monarch butterflies were sitting on are being chopped down. I learnt that by reading I can have lots of adventures.
By Rajeena

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


On Wednesday it was my first time that I went to the technology room. When I walked into the room I noticed that it was different from our classroom. There were lots of tools and machines. First we watched a video about how to keep ourselves safe when we are working in the technology room. I learnt that I must always follow rules:
*Always tie up my hair.
*Always wear my shoes.
*Don't touch anything sharp.
*Pick up anything that is on the floor.
*Always pull up my sleeves because it can get caught in a machine.
*Always turn off the machine after I have finished my work.
*Pack up all the tools when I have finished using it.
By Venetia

Making Spaghetti Roll Ups

Learning to bake in the technology room was fun. I learnt how to make spaghetti roll ups. We had to be careful when using the knife.
This is what you need:
spaghetti in tomato sauce
1. Spread the butter on both sides of the bread.
2. Spread the spaghetti.
3. Sprinkle the cheese over the spaghetti.
4. Roll up the bread and use a toothpick to hold it in place.
5. Bake the roll up for about 10 minutes until it is golden brown.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Duffy Books

Everyone was happy because they got two books.My favourite book was I Spy. We would like to thank Duffy Books in Home and the students of King's College for sponsoring our books.
BY Moziah

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Best Book in the World

The Duffy Theatre presented a show called the Best Book in the World. The main characters were Duffy, Scruffy and Marvel. Duffy and Scruffy's journey started at the bookshop when Dad bought Emmy a book as a gift for her 7th birthday. Children from the audience were chosen to participate in the show. We learnt the following from the show.
A book is a gift that can be opened again and again.
Your best book is your best friend.
Books are great to take you on an adventure.
Your book can give you space when you need a break to be away from other things or people.
You can share your best book with others.
Books are for reading and not ripping.
Hanna from Room 4 received an award from Duffy.
The show ended with the following message. It is COOL TO READ AND COOL TO ACHIEVE.
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Friday, March 2, 2012

Pohutukawa Team Assembly

It was my first time that I was an announcer at our team assembly. Vondra was the other announcer. I was very nervous at the beginning. The teachers gave out certificates to children who worked hard. The children from room 24 read out messages to keep ourselves safe. This is what they said.
Venetia - Always a wear sunhat when playing outside.
Joshua - Always walk on the footpath and not on the driveway.
Viliame - Remember, no playing outside the office area.
Moziah - Remember to bring healthy lunches to school.
Chinemerem - Remember to do your daily homework.
By Julie