We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mini Olympics

The year 3 and 4 children walked excitedly to the hall to begin their mini olympics. The first event was the frog long jump. We had to bend our knees and jump as far as we could. The marathon shuffle was a little difficult because we had to lean back and shuffle on our hands and feet. I could feel the hard ground. Volleyball hover was the most exciting event because the children had to juggle the balloon to the finish line.It was really tricky because we could not drop the balloon. If we dropped the balloon we were disqualified. Doing the hula gymnastics was fun because it was like doing the hula dance. Running to the finish line while swinging the hula hoop around your waist is not easy. While the music played the children had to do the high jump limbo. Two people held the ends of the limbo stick and another person had to lean as far back as they could and go under the the limbo stick. Trying to balance the beanbag on our heads and walking to the finish line without dropping it, was not very easy. The children walked very slowly and steadily to keep the beanbags from falling off their heads. The day ended with receiving a gold, silver or bronze certificate. It was an enjoyable experience participating in the mini olympics. I learnt the values of determination,friendship, equality,excellence,courage,inspiration and respect. By Rajeena

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you had fun while learning about the Olympic values.
