We are a class of 7 and 8 year olds in Room 14, Otahuhu Primary, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to share our learning journey with our families and friends through this blog.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tooth Fairy comes to Room 24

My tooth was wiggly and I pulled it out. I put my tooth in a safe place in my classroom and went outside for morning tea. When I came back from morning tea I saw my tooth was gone and there was a fire engine key ring. I was surprised and happy that the tooth fairy came to my classroom and gave me a present. When I press the engine, a light comes on.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fijian team first to arrive

I was very excited to go to the Auckland airport to welcome the Fijian rugby team. There were hundreds of supporters cheering for their favourite player. They took photos and waved the Fijian flag. New Zealand welcomed the team by performing the kapa haka. The players autographed T-shirts, rugby balls and flags. Look at the picture of my flag. I feel very proud of the Fijian team. My homework is to find information about my favourite player.
By Viliame

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I made an ALL BLACKS flag for my technology lesson on Kiwiana. I used black fabric and stitched pieces of foam for the silver fern design. I made the flag because I wanted to show my support for the All Blacks team in the Rugby World Cup.
My teacher chose me to receive the Special Terrific Person Award from our principal, Mr Swann at our school assembly. I felt proud.
By Krisharti

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Talent Quest

On Friday my family and I took part in a talent quest at our church. I was really nervous and shy to perform my dance because it was my first time dancing in front of an audience at my church. My older brother was the leader of our dance. We danced to the music of Last one Standing and Ava Maria. I learnt my dance at school and then I taught it to my family. Although we were placed second in the talent quest, I felt happy because the audience liked our dance and they shook our hands after the dance.
By Catherine

Monday, August 22, 2011


On Saturday I had lots of work to do but I still went to my friend's baptism. I learnt that if we get baptised we are accepting Jesus as our savior. My friend, Paepae stood in the water and the minister held her hands while she went under the water. This is to clear the sins that are in our body.
Thereafter she changed into her pretty red dress. All the visitors had a yummy feed. She received gifts from her family and friends. I gave her $50.00.
I love going to church and I am going to be baptized in October.
BY Vondra

Text Features

We did a scavenger hunt for our reading lesson. We had to find features of an information text and tick the box on our scavenger hunt page. Thereafter we had turns to use the camera. We had to take a photo of the text feature using the macro button. We then had to reflect as a class on how the feature helped us to find information and how it helped us to understand what we were reading.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Secret Meanings

Our class visited the Te Tuhi centre for the Arts in Pakuranga. We first looked at a tall sculpture outside the centre. This sculpture is made up of different colored cuisenaire rods like the ones we have in class. We had to compare the sizes of the rods.
Thereafter we were put into 5 groups and each group was given a different coloured paper. We had to think and write about food relating to that colour. We then had to choose a second colour and write words relating to nature. Jeremy, our art tutor told us a story using the words we had written and we had to connect the words to a colour.
The fun part was using paint to create our own colour wheel by mixing primary, secondary and tertiary colours. When we do painting the next time, we will remember to paint within the lines.
By Catherine

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The History of Rugby

We watched a rugby show on 11 August. We learnt how rugby was started in New Zealand by William Webb Ellis. It was interesting to hear about Jonah Lomu, who was a famous ALL BLACKS rugby player.
By Thomas

Friday, August 12, 2011

School Assembly

After lunch all the girls were excited because we were performing a dance at our school assembly. We dressed up and put on our lip gloss. My teacher told us that we looked pretty.
There were many items on the programme. Steven got the special terrific person award from Mr Swann. Our new police education officer, Constable Joanna Ryder helped Mr Swann to give out the certificates. Students who participated in the chess competition also received certificates. Two students from Otahuhu College told us that it is important to become good readers. They received a Duffy book from Mrs Dollie.
The best part of our school assembly was getting a trophy for being the best class.
By Regan

School Assembly on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Special Day

Today I celebrated my 8th birthday. Mum and Dad brought a lovely chocolate cake,lollies,chips and drinks to my class. We had the party in the lunch break. The children sang Happy Birthday and I cut the cake. My teacher took photos. I will always remember this lovely day.

The NED show

Do you know what NED stands for?
D is for DO YOUR BEST.
Ralph did cool tricks with a yo-yo. He told us a story and NED was the character. He taught us to always make the right choices. He asked the children questions and gave out prizes. After the show we could buy a yo-yo. I want to be a champion like NED and will follow what NED says.
By Regan

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I enjoyed my P.E. lesson because I learned new skipping skills. It was fun. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.
By Catherine


My homework was to bring a souvenir from my country, Vietnam. I took a Chinese lantern to show my class. It is made of cardboard and paper. It has a Chinese symbol drawn on the lantern. You can place a tea light candle inside the lantern and you hang up the lantern. This year I went to the Lantern Festival in Auckland and I saw many colourful and beautiful lanterns.
By Thomas

I brought a Tongan souvenir to show my friends. It is a wall hanging with Tongan patterns. There is a map showing the places in Tonga, a fale which is a Tongan house and coconut trees.
By Timote

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Changing batteries

Our classroom clock wasn't working so Regan went to the office to get two batteries. Miss told me to get the clock down from the wall and to replace the batteries. She asked me if I knew what is the meaning of the + and - signs on the battery. I went to the computer and searched for the answer. A + means positive and a - means negative. When I put the new batteries into the clock, I saw the second hand ticking away. I was very happy because I learned something new.
by Sione

Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to school

I was so excited to come back to school because I had a boring holiday. It was cool to see all my friends after the short break. I missed doing school work. I love writing and art. Maths is fun too. YOU ARE NEVER TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL BECAUSE SCHOOL IS COOL!!!.
By Regan