Room14@Otahuhu Primary
Hooked on learning,sharing and reflecting
Monday, January 6, 2014
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Hiwi The Kiwi Show
When all the classes were seated,the Minstrel started to play his guitar and sing. Later we danced to his music. We learnt that we must wear life jackets when we are in a boat. Another message is to use a fish ruler to measure the fish that we catch. They should not be undersized or oversized.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Pohutukawa Assembly
Pohutukawa team hosted the school assembly today. The year 2 students from Room 13 were the announcers.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Duffy Assembly
While the children were singing the Duffy song, our Duffy Role Model,Christine Fernyhough walked into the hall with Mr Swann and the King's College students. Krisharti introduced Christine Fernyhough. Christine is a business woman, sheep farmer, educator and an author. She lives at Castles Hill Station. Christine co-founded the Duffy Books in Home Programme with Alan Duff. She talked about the Nike slogan "Just do it". Three lucky students who answered the questions correctly got a pair of Nike socks. Christine then showed us her Can Do Jar. It contained messages of things you are going to try and do. The children listened carefully as she read her book "Dart of Castle Hill". Christine and the King's College students gave out the box of Duffy books to happy children.
By Ashleen Raj
Keeping Ourselves Safe
We all waited quietly as Constable Jo walked into our class. She is a police education officer and she came to our class to talk about keeping ourselves safe. Constable Jo talked about keeping good and bad secrets. We watched a DVD called Jane and Uncle Jo. The DVD was all about Uncle Jo keeping secrets with Jane. Jane tells her mum but her mum won't listen so Jane tells her Grandad. I learned not to keep bad secrets, especially when someone does something to you and you don't like it. We must tell someone about it, so that we can get help.
By Julie
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A collage of myself
My homework was to make a collage about myself.The materials I used were: paper, pictures from magazines,stickers, glitter and a felt pen.
I wrote adjectives to describe myself. I wrote happy,wonderful,creative,positive,
helpful and girl. The next thing I did was get an A4 black paper. I then pasted the pictures on the black paper. Next I glued the picture of myself, my name and words that described me. I pasted the black paper on top of a white paper to make a border. I then pasted it onto a coloured background.
Lastly I used a plain yellow paper as a contrast.
I enjoyed making my collage.
By Vondra
Bean Bag Throw
We are learning to measure distance in metres and centimetres.
This graph shows how far we can throw a beanbag.
Vondra threw the beanbag the furthest.
Ria threw the same distance as Chycane.
Venetia threw further than Monish.
What statements can you make about this graph?
Monday, August 27, 2012
Learning how to measure
We used a metre ruler and a measuring tape to measure the height, length, width and depth of objects around our school.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Making scrambled eggs
I learned how to make scrambled eggs in Mrs Green's technology class. Now I can make breakfast for mum and dad.
Equipment you need:
small bowl,
fork and
2 eggs,
grated cheese and
Crack the eggs into the bowl. Beat the eggs with the fork. Cook in the microwave for 30 seconds. Remove from the microwave and stir in two tablespoons of milk and place into the microwave for another 30 seconds.
Add the cheese and cook for another 30 seconds. Serve the scrambled eggs on buttered bread.
By Moziah
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Thank you Rotary club
The year 4 children of Otahuhu Primary were happy to receive their dictionaries. This is what some of the students had to say. Now I can use my dictionary when I am doing my homework. The dictionary has lovely illustrations and labels to help me to understand the meaning of words I do not know. My vocabulary list is very long because I am adding new words every day. I'm also learning the different parts of speech. My spelling has improved and I can spell difficult words. The dictionaries are useful for children that can't afford to buy one. I'm going to keep my dictionary safely on my bookshelf.
By Chi-Chi
Mini Olympics
The year 3 and 4 children walked excitedly to the hall to begin their mini olympics.
The first event was the frog long jump. We had to bend our knees and jump as far as we could. The marathon shuffle was a little difficult because we had to lean back and shuffle on our hands and feet. I could feel the hard ground. Volleyball hover was the most exciting event because the children had to juggle the balloon to the finish line.It was really tricky because we could not drop the balloon. If we dropped the balloon we were disqualified. Doing the hula gymnastics was fun because it was like doing the hula dance. Running to the finish line while swinging the hula hoop around your waist is not easy.
While the music played the children had to do the high jump limbo. Two people held the ends of the limbo stick and another person had to lean as far back as they could and go under the the limbo stick. Trying to balance the beanbag on our heads and walking to the finish line without dropping it, was not very easy. The children walked very slowly and steadily to keep the beanbags from falling off their heads. The day ended with receiving a gold, silver or bronze certificate.
It was an enjoyable experience participating in the mini olympics. I learnt the values of determination,friendship,
equality,excellence,courage,inspiration and respect.
By Rajeena
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Book of Similes
Monday, August 6, 2012
Olympic Wordle
We created a wordle using words related to the Olympic Games.
please note the correct spelling is paralympics and not paraolympics.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Dancing with Mythology at the Telstra Centre
We were amazed at the huge cloud pillar also known as the Pou Kapua which stood outside the Telstra Centre. It is carved from a kauri tree and it is 21 metres in height. It shows the stories of Kupe, Tangaroa, Rangi and Papa.
We were welcomed and put into groups. We learnt how to use our bodies to tell stories. We had to listen carefully and follow rules and instructions. At times we had to freeze frame our movements. We also worked with a partner and reflected our gestures. The story we chose to dramatize was Tangaroa and the sea creatures. We had to dramatize the movements of the dolphins, crabs, octopus, sharks, and waves. We moved to the sounds of the ocean.
At the end of the session all the classes gathered in the Genesis theatre and we performed in front of an audience. Some of us were nervous and shy while others were happy and excited.
It was an awesome experience learning outside the classroom.
Dancing with Mythology on PhotoPeach
Friday, June 29, 2012
End of term assembly
I came to school all dressed up in my best clothes because I was going to be the announcer at our end of term assembly. The Pohutukawa team was the host of the assembly. Many parents attended the assembly. The audience enjoyed room 7's performance of Going on a Lion Hunt. Moziah from our class received a certificate and medal for participating in the chess tournament. Children also received certificates for academic excellence and good progress. Summer presented a speech on Matariki which is the Maori celebration. The best part was when Miss Todd presented a slideshow of our EOTC activities.
By Vondra
Monday, June 18, 2012
My Baptism
It was Sunday, the 17 June. I got up very early because I was excited and it was my Baptism. I got dressed in my white clothes. My family and I went to church at 6pm. When I arrived I went to the Bishop. My family watched what was happening. The Bishop and I went into a room and he talked to me about my Baptism. Thereafter we stood at the front of the congregation and I read a bible verse. The Bishop baptized me by saying a prayer and placing his hand on my head. I had to say my testimony. After the baptism we had a meal. I received gifts from my family. I feel very happy to be baptized. I miss having my curly, long hair because I had it cut for my Baptism. Look at my 2 photos below.
by Moziah

Friday, June 15, 2012
School Assembly
Team Rimu presented our school assembly on Friday. We had special visitors at our assembly. Constable Bryan brought his puppy, Bobby and talked about keeping our equipment safe at home by recording the serial numbers on the following website If something is stolen, we will be able to find the serial number easily.
We also had principals from other schools visiting our school. They helped Mr. Swann to give out the awards to the students.
The children were excited to receive their Duffy books from the students of King's College.
The audience enjoyed the performance by the students of Team Rimu. Some students received frisbees. Room 24 received the best class award and trophy.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Support Staff Day
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
King's College students visit Room 24
We often have students from King's College visiting our class. They read to the students or teach them a new activity. We would like to thank King's College students for sponsoring our Duffy books.
By Vondra
Thursday, May 24, 2012
we have been creating picture puzzles using shapes. It is called a tangram.
A long time ago in China there was a man named Tan. He dropped a tile and it broke into 7 pieces. While he tried to put them back together he made different kinds of shapes. Tan told his friends about it and soon everyone was making these shapes and creating their own. It became known as the tangram.
By Julie
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Making a circuit
On the 11th of May room 24 went for technology lessons. First we were split into two groups.Mr Didier's group and Mrs Green's group. I was in Mr Didier's group. Mr Didier showed us how to make a circuit for a lamp using a lamp holder, battery snap,switch and three crocodile clips. We watched him carefully and then we had to make one by ourselves.
First I attached the battery to the battery snap. Next I put one head of the black crocodile clip on the metal part of the black wire which was connected to the battery snap. Thereafter I put the other head of the black crocodile clip on the left side of the lamp holder. Then I put the first head of the green crocodile clip on the right side of the lamp holder. A few minutes later I put the second head of the green crocodile clip on one side of the switch. After that I put one of the heads of the red crocodile clip onto the other side of the switch and put the second head on the metal part of the red wire which was connected to the battery snap.
I was very excited to see my lamp working because it was my first time learning how to make a circuit.
By Rajeena
Making a circuit for a lamp
Monday, May 14, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Tala Pasifika
We visited the Auckland Museum on the 9 May because we are learning about cultural celebrations. We got into 2 groups. One group sat in the fale and made an ula which is a Samoan necklace. The other group looked at the patterns on the Tongan mat which is called a tapa cloth. It is made from the bark of the mulberry tree. The Tongan mat means wealth. Designs are carved on wood called a kupesi. The children then drew their patterns by rubbing a crayon on a blank page placed over the board with carved patterns. We looked at the beautiful tivaevae hanging on the wall. The tivaevae is a Cook Island quilt and is the highest gift given at a wedding or birthday. We then got together and learnt a Samoan dance called the sasa. Learning about other cultures was a lovely experience.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Rugby League
On Saturday the Leopards Rugby league team played a game in Papakura. We went to play against the Papakura Sea Eagles. The Leopards won the game 28-16. When the game was over the Leopards went to the prize giving. Then my coach went up to the stage and called out my name. I was very excited and nervous. I went to get my certificate and I also got five dollars because I was named the man of steel. Thereafter a lady gave me a calender and a t shirt as my prize. It was a great day for me.
By Viliame
Monday, April 23, 2012
Visiting China
I spent one month with my family in China. It is my country. I was excited to go to my village and visit all my cousins. The houses looked very different from the houses in New Zealand. Most people ride their bicycles instead of travelling by car. The adults play a Chinese game called Mah Jong. In China some people grow plants such as sugarcane,lettuce and celery.I had a lovely holiday and couldn't wait to be back at school.
By Julie
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Pohutukawa assembly
The Pohutukawa team presented the school assembly. It was the final assembly for the term. Our principal,Mr Swann awarded academic and progress certificates to the students.
Easter bunny and Easter eggs
The easter bunny visited our school today. Mrs Key drove him around the school on the small red truck. Easter bunny visited the classrooms and took photos with the teachers and children.
We were busy making easter cookies in the technology room when students from King's College walked in with a basket full of eggs. They gave all the children an easter egg. Thank you students for being so kind. We wish everyone a Happy Easter.
We were busy making easter cookies in the technology room when students from King's College walked in with a basket full of eggs. They gave all the children an easter egg. Thank you students for being so kind. We wish everyone a Happy Easter.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Duffy Role Model Assembly
It was our Duffy role model assembly and we all walked excitedly to the hall. Each class wrapped their box of books in pretty paper. It looked like a present. Our Duffy role model was Jaqui Knight. She writes articles for newspapers and magazines. Her passion is reading and adventure. She loved horses and she went to the library and read every book on horses she could find. Jaqui told us a story about a man who climbed the mountains with his horses. She had a dream that one day she will climb the mountain of New Zealand with her horse. Her other passion was motor sport. Jaqui loved a man who liked cricket, but she hated cricket so she went to the library and learnt about cricket by reading books. She was also concerned about the monarch butterflies flying from New Zealand to Mexico and the sad thing was the trees that the monarch butterflies were sitting on are being chopped down. I learnt that by reading I can have lots of adventures.
By Rajeena
By Rajeena
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
On Wednesday it was my first time that I went to the technology room. When I walked into the room I noticed that it was different from our classroom. There were lots of tools and machines. First we watched a video about how to keep ourselves safe when we are working in the technology room. I learnt that I must always follow rules:
*Always tie up my hair.
*Always wear my shoes.
*Don't touch anything sharp.
*Pick up anything that is on the floor.
*Always pull up my sleeves because it can get caught in a machine.
*Always turn off the machine after I have finished my work.
*Pack up all the tools when I have finished using it.
By Venetia
*Always tie up my hair.
*Always wear my shoes.
*Don't touch anything sharp.
*Pick up anything that is on the floor.
*Always pull up my sleeves because it can get caught in a machine.
*Always turn off the machine after I have finished my work.
*Pack up all the tools when I have finished using it.
By Venetia
Making Spaghetti Roll Ups
Learning to bake in the technology room was fun. I learnt how to make spaghetti roll ups. We had to be careful when using the knife.
This is what you need:
spaghetti in tomato sauce
1. Spread the butter on both sides of the bread.
2. Spread the spaghetti.
3. Sprinkle the cheese over the spaghetti.
4. Roll up the bread and use a toothpick to hold it in place.
5. Bake the roll up for about 10 minutes until it is golden brown.
This is what you need:
spaghetti in tomato sauce
1. Spread the butter on both sides of the bread.
2. Spread the spaghetti.
3. Sprinkle the cheese over the spaghetti.
4. Roll up the bread and use a toothpick to hold it in place.
5. Bake the roll up for about 10 minutes until it is golden brown.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Duffy Books
Everyone was happy because they got two books.My favourite book was I Spy. We would like to thank Duffy Books in Home and the students of King's College for sponsoring our books.
BY Moziah
BY Moziah
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Best Book in the World
The Duffy Theatre presented a show called the Best Book in the World. The main characters were Duffy, Scruffy and Marvel. Duffy and Scruffy's journey started at the bookshop when Dad bought Emmy a book as a gift for her 7th birthday. Children from the audience were chosen to participate in the show. We learnt the following from the show.
A book is a gift that can be opened again and again.
Your best book is your best friend.
Books are great to take you on an adventure.
Your book can give you space when you need a break to be away from other things or people.
You can share your best book with others.
Books are for reading and not ripping.
Hanna from Room 4 received an award from Duffy.
The show ended with the following message. It is COOL TO READ AND COOL TO ACHIEVE.
A book is a gift that can be opened again and again.
Your best book is your best friend.
Books are great to take you on an adventure.
Your book can give you space when you need a break to be away from other things or people.
You can share your best book with others.
Books are for reading and not ripping.
Hanna from Room 4 received an award from Duffy.
The show ended with the following message. It is COOL TO READ AND COOL TO ACHIEVE.
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